An Entertaining and Engaging Keynote Speaker
"Charlie has an uncanny ability to cut through the frequent hyperbole in tech, distill complexity, and find the real facts of the matter."
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Charlie's Talks
.Human: Unleashing Imagination, Creativity and Empathy to Find Advantage in the Digital Era
In the digital era, anything that we can reduce to an algorithm, we will automate. This will shift the nature of how organizations — and we as humans — create and sustain business value. Creating competitive advantage for ourselves and for our organization in the digital era, therefore, requires that you embrace and unleash the human characteristics within yourself, your employees and your teams that will set you apart.
Best for:
- Inspiring Personal Development
- Team Development & Improvement
Research-driven and based upon his forthcoming book, The New Human Age, Charles will help participants deconstruct how the human characteristics of creativity, innovation and ingenuity can be used to create competitive advantage within their organizations. He will then help them understand the three skills they need to cultivate to unleash that advantage. Participants will walk away with practical ideas and next steps that they can apply immediately to begin the transformation of their organizations that will be the key to their ability to compete and thrive in the digital era.
The Digital Experience Supply Chain — And How It Will Transform Everything
The supply chain defined the Industrial Era. To create value it was all about optimizing how you marketed, produced, delivered, administered, and supported a mass product as you served a mass market. But in the digital era, this equation has been turned upside down. Creating value in this tumultuous time isn’t about the supply chain — but about optimizing the customer experience, which is increasingly digital. To do so, organizations will need a new type of supply chain — one that helps them curate and optimize the delivery of a customer experience that will deliver differentiating value in a fast-moving and hyper-competitive market. This will demand that organizations not only reorient themselves around the digital experience, but also that they use it as the focal point to transform their business models, operating models, and the nature of work itself.
Best for:
- Understanding Macro Business Trends
- Strategic Development
In this thought-provoking and insightful keynote presentation, industry analyst, author, and futurist, Charles Araujo, will examine the forces that are shaping the competitive landscape for the modern enterprise and how enterprise leaders must transform their organizations for this future. He will dive into how the intersection of shifting customer expectations, and new cognitive and automation technologies are impacting how enterprise leaders must evolve core operating models and business processes, how they are acquiring and deploying technology to meet strategic objectives, and where and how they are leveraging their most important resource — their human teams — as they reshape their organizations from the inside out.
Note: This keynote can optionally include a discussion on emerging technologies to watch.
Leading Your Organization in the Era of Continuous Disruption
We are in the midst of a fundamental transition from the Industrial Age to the Digital Era. The result will be a world that looks and operates much differently than the one we inhabit today – and the implications for enterprise organizations — and those who lead them — are profound.
Best for:
- Leadership Development
- Strategic Development
- Understanding Macro Business Trends
Industry analyst, author and futurist Charles Araujo will explore the implications of this transition, deconstruct what it means to you as a leader, and what you must do to prepare to transform your organization for the digital era. In this insightful and thought-provoking presentation, he will help you understand how the Digital Era is different from the Industrial Age, how this transition will directly impact your organization and the specific ways you will need to think differently to thrive in the Digital Era.
Note: This keynote can optionally include a discussion on emerging technologies to watch.
How the Customer Experience is Redefining Everything in the Digital Era
As an enterprise leader, your job is to guide your organization into the future. In today’s world, that means that you need to make sense of the tsunami of technology crashing on your shores and help your organization use it to its advantage. But what if you’re looking at it all wrong? Could you be missing a fundamental shift that is happening and which may undermine everything you’re trying to accomplish?
Best for:
- Strategic Development
- Team Development
- Understanding Macro Business Trends
In this engaging and thought-provoking presentation, best-selling author, futurist and industry analyst, Charles Araujo, will redefine the term ‘digital transformation’ and explain the fundamental shift that will change the nature of how technology is used within the enterprise — all around the customer experience. More importantly, he will explore the impact this shift will have on organizations and what enterprise leaders must be doing now to ensure their continued relevance in this very different future.
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