My Books

The Quantum Age of IT: Why Everything You Know About IT is About to Change

The Quantum Age of IT: Why Everything You Know About IT is About to Change

Series: My Books

'IT as we know it is dead.'

Forces are at work, reshaping the very fabric of the IT organization. Driven by our own history, changing perceptions of how technology should work and newfound, but very real, competition, IT organizations are struggling to evolve – but into what?

Whether you are an IT executive, or just beginning your career, this book offers you the key insights you need to understand what is happening and what is coming. Understanding that future, Charles Araujo blends a wide range of research and case studies to help you discover the skills you must develop in order to succeed and thrive in The Quantum Age of IT.

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The Ecosystem Advantage: How to Build the Digital Ecosystem That Will Help You Win in the Digital Era

The Ecosystem Advantage: How to Build the Digital Ecosystem That Will Help You Win in the Digital Era

Series: My Books

In this concise book, Araujo explains the real role that cloud will play in your future, the essence of the modern digital ecosystem and how to put your organization on the path toward creating an Ecosystem Advantage.

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Performance-driven IT: How Metrics can transform IT services and operations

Performance-driven IT: How Metrics can transform IT services and operations

Series: My Books

Performance-driven IT forces you to rethink how we use the data that we are swamped with every day. ‘Too much information’ is a common cry in business and this title makes a compelling case for reviewing available data sets. Those that are maintained need to be acted on to refocus the organization on the required strategic outcomes along the way, so that the metrics used to measure and manage performance become dynamic. Running IT is not what it used to be. That’s true in both the good and the bad sense. The days of running IT by the ‘seat of your pants’ with your army of heroes dashing from one fire to the next are long gone.

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