Since its introduction, the concept of digital transformation has been amorphous. Academics, industry observers, and technology companies have all defined the term from their own perspective and often to serve their own purposes. But amid the discussion of disruption, transformation, and rebirth, there was little focus on its true defining characteristic: the recasting of value creation in the enterprise.
This foundational research from Institute for Digital Transformation founder, Charles Araujo, and Institute Chief Scientist and Researcher, Dr. Frank Granito, explores how the shift away from operational optimization to experiential optimization became a disruptive force and reshaped the nature of value creation in the Digital Era through the creation of what they call Digital Experience Supply Chains (DXSC).
This research will serve as the foundation for a series of continuing research we’re calling The DXSC Reports that will explore the intersection of emerging technologies and the business capabilities that make up a Digital Experience Supply Chain. The first report in the series, How Conversational AI and Intelligent Agents are Simultaneously Revolutionizing the Customer Experience and Transforming Work, will be released in Q1 of 2020.
Note: A basic (free) Institute membership is required to access this research.