February 14, 2020

On the Air

What is Digital Transformation?

Published on iGrafx


According to IDC, 85% of enterprise decision makers say they have a time frame of two years to make significant inroads into digital transformation or they will fall behind the competition and see negative financial consequences. Additionally 56% of CEOs told Gartner that digital improvements have in fact led to revenue growth. So it’s not a surprise that two thirds of CEOs are planning to focus on digital strategies to improve customer experience per a recent Seagate whitepaper. Digital transformation is a buzzword that is everywhere – and it’s not going anywhere any time soon.

During a recent conversation, Ian Hawkins, editor at PEX Network sat down and asked Ed Maddock, CTO at iGrafx, and Charles Araujo, Principal Analyst at Intelyx the key question on everyone’s mind – What is digital transformation?

The interview opens with Charles’ contrary definition of digital transformation – and why it’s not about technology at all. He explains why instead it’s really about a shift in power away from organizations and to their customers. He discusses how organizations can lever technology to drive this business transformation that is centered around the customer, giving them power and control.

Click here to read more and hear the entire conversation


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