June 14, 2018

On the Air

Digital Experience Platforms and the Customer Experience

By Kelsey Harrison
Published on Orchestra CMS

“ Customer expectations are continuing to rise and show no signs of abating, making it undeniable that those organizations that can most quickly and most successfully create these types of omnichannel experiences will have a significant advantage over their competitors.” – Charles Araujo (Principal Analyst, Intellyx)

Businesses throughout every industry have gone through a total digital transformation, as a result of a developing technology and consumer needs. The effect of this digital change has created a competitive need within the marketplace for not just the best products and services, but a fully integrated, digital, and personalized customer experience along with the product or service. This customer experience has become a main differentiator in the marketplace, forcing businesses to adapt their traditional framework.

Customer Experience

Simply put, the customers’ needs have come to the forefront of the competitive marketplace and the digital economy. Customers want whatever content or digital experience they want, whenever and wherever they want it. In a competitive market, businesses that succeed in providing this digital personalized customer experience will out rank those that do not.

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